Living better is a relative term. It can mean different things to different people. For some it may be financial freedom. Maybe less stress, more spiritual, drug free, caring more for others, peace of mind or better health. The possibilities are only confined by our own imaginations and desire. For this author, I find I continue to define this almost on a daily basis. If I see somewhere in my life that is lacking, I have begun to choose to make the change that will strengthen that part of my life. The bad news is, none of us are perfect. We are creatures of habit. Therefore most of the time, that change never occurs. Our lives, which are made up of days. Days which are made up of habits. Habits that we’ve built over months and years. Be they good or be they bad, they be. This change that we desire can happen. It takes a strong desire to overcome a ritual we have conformed to time and time again. The good news is, that strong desire can be nourished and fed and allowed to grow. Day by day, we can make a conscious choice to do better, be better, think better and to ultimately live better. If everyone in this world made the choice today to live better. Can you imagine the world we would live in? We can no longer blame others and turn our power over to them. No matter who the “them” is, they have always been there since the beginning of time. We can no longer listen to them and allow them to control our daily lives and happiness. Living is a choice. I cannot stress that enough. Life is a biological thing that none of us had input regarding our own existence. What happens after our birth is all us baby. So if we choose to really live, then no one, or no thing, can stop us. The world belongs to us, the living.

“If you want things to change, you have to change”
Jim Rohn
Think of all the possibilities that are at our fingertips. Think of the power we have to control our own destiny. It doesn’t matter where you are in life. Your age, demographics or geographic constraints. We can all start right where we are. The sad part is we don’t. Each one of us knows what we need to do to live better. We know it in our inner most being. When we are honest enough with ourselves to let the demons be demons and see them for what they are.
We can see it in others and if they asked us we would tell them all the things they need to do, to better themselves. Why not talk to yourself like you are your own best friend and tell the person in you what they need to do to live better. Take it one step farther and let that person talk back and tell you why they don’t. Then just calm them both and ask why or why not?
We give control of our living to others every day of our life. Be they politicians, family, or good meaning friends that tell you “you can’t” or “you shouldn’t”. When they say “you can’t”. What they mean is “they” can’t. Sadly, misery loves company and the more the merrier. Don’t listen to them. Don’t even listen to yourself if that is what you self talk is telling you. Instead, tell no person what you are going to do to start living. Just go out and do it. It can begin today and continue tomorrow and each and every day thereafter. Till one day, you will wake up and see the change and “they” will too. You have the power to believe in yourself…USE IT!
The world belongs to us … the living!