The GoPro Hero 8 Black with the “Shorty Tripod Stick”
(short camera review at bottom)
OK, Just unboxed the new GoPro Hero 8 Black I bought. Love the camera, or should I say I love the possibilities the camera represents. You actually have to use something to say “I love the way this thing functions or the quality it brings”. Straight out of the box….I’m clueless.

I am however qualified to say I love the looks! I have never owned a Gopro. I have always wanted to own a GoPro and even more, I’ve wanted to use a Gopro in action. We have a snorkeling trip coming up and I was hoping to document our trip in 4K live action. Sounds exciting, doesn’t it? You know…. memories that last a lifetime type stuff. I have to admit, 15 minutes after unboxing the camera I was having my doubts. Oh, not because of anything negative about the Hero 8. Ultimately I found it very simple to use and set up. It was just my own self doubt tapping me on the shoulder saying, “Your grandson could be up and running this thing in 10 minutes. Here you spent 15 minutes trying to figure out how to open the box without damaging it!” I threw caution to the wind and ripped open the box. I was committed! It was strangely exhilarating. I knew there was no turning back. I also knew I didn’t want to. You see the buying of this camera and all the possibilities that are held inside are symbolic of the promise and commitment that I am making to myself, my family and ultimately to you… the readers of these posts. It may be presumptuous of me to think that anyone will ever read my blogs. I hope someone does. I also hope you will embark on this journey with me. A journey that will have us eating better, feeling better, thinking better, loving better and begin “Living Better 365”. Next stop for the GoPro is the Gulf of Mexico!
Quick little review for those of you thinking of buying the GoPro Hero 8 Black. I found this to be a pretty simple and straight forward camera. The hardest thing was loading the app on my phone, so how hard could it be. I was originally going to save some money and get the Hero 6 Black. All the reviews and comparisons showed very little difference in the two. At least not enough for a novice like me to take advantage of. Most of it was frame rate at higher resolutions. To be honest, most of us let the software control that for us. If you are one of the few who set this up manually…well, you probably aren’t reading this review anyway. When it came time to put the money down. I decided to go with the 8. The 6 was about to be a four year old camera, harder to find new rather than refurbished. The 8 has newer technology that stabilizes the shot better (and I ain’t getting no younger if you know what I mean) GoPro ended up running a special for the July 4th weekend and I saved 100 bucks. Fixing to take it to the gulf and do some scalloping! I’ll report back on the underwater capabilities when we get back, but hey it’s a GoPro. I’m sure it will do great.

James Fairchild
Husband, father, author and blogger.